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Greater Manchester Archaeological Unit

For Developers

The role of GMAU in planning

PPG 16 (Planning and Archaeology ) and PPG15 (Planning and the Historic Environment) were replaced on 23rd March 2010 by Planning Policy Statement No.5 :Planning for the Historic Environment. This document lists 12 key policies which are a material consideration in the planning process and is supported by a Practice Guide.

PPS 5 brings in new terminology and focuses on managing change intelligently, based on good quality and appropriate information. To this end would–be developers are expected to consult the Historic Environment Record and other information sources prior to submitting a planning application to identify the location and significance of heritage assets within the proposal area. Heritage assets may be designated or non–designated (the vast majority of archaeological remains) and can be of architectural, archaeological, historical or artistic interest. In relation to heritage assets of archaeological interest, the applicant will be required to commission archaeological desk based assessments, evaluations and historic building assessments, as appropriate, to inform the planning decision process. Further information can be found on this website in a special issue of the Greater Manchester Archaeology Federation Newsletter (No. 5)

GMAU maintains the Historic Environment Record (HER) for Greater Manchester. The HER is the primary database for information on the historic environment, including archaeological interests, in the region. GMAU’s staff also provide specialist information and advice to the ten Local Planning Authorities of Greater Manchester on the historic environment where there is an archaeological interest. This includes advising on planning applications.

As a developer you may be required by the Local Planning Authority to provide evidence as part of your planning application about the impact of the development proposals upon the archaeological interest. For a charge to cover GMAU staff time you can obtain information from the HER and/ or advice from GMAU staff on your proposals for development. In particular, GMAU can assist in helping answer the following questions:

1) Do the development proposals impact upon a known or potential archaeological interest?

GMAU staff can undertake an appraisal of the relevant information held on the HER. If no known or potential archaeological interests would be impacted upon then a formal letter to this effect can be supplied which can then be submitted as evidence in support of the application.

2) What is the archaeological interest likely to be affected?

If the development proposals impact upon a known or potential archaeological interest GMAU can advise about the nature of that archaeological interest.

3) What may be required by the Local Planning Authority?

If the development proposals impact upon a known or potential archaeological interest GMAU can advise about what information may be required by the Local Planning Authority.

4) What is the best way to proceed in meeting any such requirements?

If the development proposals impact upon a known or potential archaeological interest GMAU can advise about the best way to proceed in providing the information that may be required by the Local Planning Authority.

To see GMAU’s scale of charges click here